Easy Grin webwallet: Easy to use online webwallet. Remember, not you keys, not your coins. We advice to only use this as an intermediate wallet, e.g. to recieve mining reward. Only use with small amounts.
Grinventions Telegram channel: Innovative inventions for the grin cryptocurrency. Also discusses building the Mimblewimble Python implementatoin and quantum computing basic in Python
Testnet exchange: An example implementation for testnet exchange that consists of 2 pieces 1) the Grin Wallet APIs for Grin community wallet developers via a JSON-RPC interface 2) a reference command-line wallet, which provides a baseline wallet for Grin and demonstrates how the wallet APIs should be called.
Vault713 - Grinbox: (last commit 2019) - Grinbox provides a simple way for parties to exchange transaction slates, 3rd party as transaction buffer/intermediate.
GrinGots wizarding bank: (last commits in 2019), Gringotts is a CLI app that you can use to send and receive grins instantly using one of the available backends for communication.
Grin documentation: Learn about the origin of Grin, Mimble Wimble, Pederson commitments, Eliptic Curve cryptography as well as practical tutorials on how to install and use the grin node software and grin-wallet.
Ask if you need something more: Is there anything else you need as aspiring Grin developer? Please ask, so we can tailer the Developer content to your needs. Just reachout to Anynomous on KeyBase.
Grinflation: A great website that shows all the economics around Grins's Fair 1 ツ per second supply rate, its inflation, total supply, market cap and price now and in times to come.
Grin Papyrus: Collection of important documents and links related to the development of GRIN. Find back everything, the early steps towards Grin in 2016, launch in 2019 and everything that happened after